What is Call Deposit Account?
- Call Deposit guarantees 6.50% interest rate for any amount of deposit with interest calculated on day end balance and monthly interest payment. It is an ideal account for all entrepreneurs and shops/stores since it provides instant access to your funds and allows unlimited withdrawals and deposits.
Product Benefits
- Minimum deposit is MMK 10,000.
- Allows to transfers and withdraw by Cheque book linked to the account.
- Enables customers to link it with any preferable accounts.
- NRC (original/copy)
- Permanent Address
- Occupation
- Contact Number
- 1 ID Photo
- 2 Existing FPB customers as introducers(Name, Bank Acc Number & Signature)
- Application Letter in Company Letterhead
- Meeting Minutes and Resolution in Company Letterhead
- Constitution
- Company Registration Certificate (original & copy)
- Company Extract
- 2 Existing FPB customers as introducers (Name, Bank Acc Number & Signature)
- Designated Drawing Officer in person (NRC (original & copy), 1 ID Photo